Sunday, October 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
Some people say the way to get enlightenment is to work at mundane things until you enter a level that is beyond boredom and complacency into pure joy at everything you do. Doesn't matter if you're picking cotton or shovelling manure, this type of enlightened being is completely satisfied at all times living in the now.

There is another definition of enlightenment that seems to be contrary to this one. This form of enlightment that has to do with the unfolding of human potential. This form is developed not through standard definitions of work but through what we consider to be liesure. Meditation, dance, singing, creative activity, diet regulation, mind expansion techniques, intelectual activity etc. It requires the luxery that results from privilege.

In general our systems tell us to work. Generation of more jobs is key to our politics. No matter how inane our jobs have become, as long as we are working that's the best thing. We are contributing to the society. And our bosses tell us to adopt the first style of spiritual ambition. Don't get a big ego. Be satisfied washing these dishes. Be satisfied mopping this floor. Live in the moment and be satisfied.

I can't! I admit my weakness! I need to sing, to move, to break the laws of the mundane. I admit depression. I cannot be satisfied with entertainment from the television, or movies, or video games. This is not a superiority trip! On the contrary I admit my failings in being able to exist in this disneyland world. At this point I envy those who have not cracked their minds open in such a way as making regular societal living next to impossible.

But this is not a inferiority trip either. I am proud. I am strong I am healthy. I am preparing myself for the future.

I just watched a movie discussing the inevibility of oil-reserve collapse and hence the collapse of our western-consumerist culture and hence the collapse of the New Babylon Vampire-Empire.

What do you people think about that? Do you beleive the hype?

Remember how I used to rant about Ram the Bhuda boy? The young man in Nepal who meditated for 9 months and some were touting as the new bhuda and who disapeared. I just read that apparently he told his followers that he was going to re-emerge after six years of meditation like the original Guatama Bhuda. Guess what folks, that puts his re-appearance in 2012!


Lorne Roberts said...

yep. we're nearing the end of oil. that's part of what's got bush, cheney, and co so spooked. but as the man said in easy rider-- "not runnin' scared... more dangerous scared."

Anonymous said...

I think it is a misconception that our systems tell us to work. I would argue that they tell us to take short cuts, to gain advantage, to maximise leisure.

This is not work, this is being unthankful.

Our systems teach us greed and ambition. Work is holy, whether in the form of meditation, dance, singing, creative activity, diet regulation, mind expansion techniques, intellectual activity, et cetera.

In effect, there really is no leisure, and it is ambition that requires the luxury resulting from privilege.

Whatever the case, it may be difficult to maintain strength if one does not work and becomes food insecure.

CaptainGoldStar said...

Fasting is a good thing. Hey you C-Dog Im coming to your town to stay next weekend. Also Ive just recorded three new tracks. Ill post them tommorrow.

Lorne Roberts said...

only 3? where's the other 74? hee hee.

lookin' forward to 'em.

ewlfzasy: to be in a state of relentless insatiable desire, to feel hunger, to be driven.

J C said...

c-dog. I think the system tells us that it's okay to only have work. "at least I still have my work." when all else is lost , a person's passion for something will keep the going, and it's often an indulgence.

elygo - good work'in

Anonymous said...

Give me a call when you get in Andrew.

CaptainGoldStar said...

Am I out of the loop somehow? Where are these strange words coming from?

Holy crap Im flipping out on my own music! MOJOTASTIC!!

mojotastic:a quality of something that offers mojo to it's user

Denis said...

I think that I would replace the word "work" in this context with "making money". You are fine as long as you are still making money.